New Year Resolutions

“The way I learned it, the kid in the school yard who doesn’t want to fight always leaves with a black eye. If you indicate you’ll do anything to avoid trouble, that’s when you get trouble.” 50 Cent

As a rule, New Year’s resolutions are not directed at others but projected onto ourselves in an attempt to become better in the coming year.  Thus, I will indulge myself in some inward-looking (in a collective sense) narrative.

Perhaps you are already familiar with the idea that the Left in general, while having the best argument, is weak to defend it. In an attempt to find a cure to this ailment, I first had to identify the source of the disease, and I can’t find a better explanation than the desire of liberals to “be nice”. This image of the Left, as going to great lengths to “be nice” and not to offend anybody, morphs into justifiable belief that liberals can’t fight for their values.  “Being nice” manifests itself in many ways, including using reason when a show of force would be more effective, fighting for minor issues, like bike lane rights, when voting rights are being undermined in broad daylight, and taking offense at being called names while democracy is being undercut by unfair redistricting. Continue reading

Ground Zero Mosque update

This is brilliant!

This guy decided to open the gay bar right next to the proposed Islamic Center. I’ll quote from his website. Please pay attention to the most interesting part – what the Cordoba House folks tweeted him back about his proposal:

Continue reading

Bikers in NYC

What’s the deal with bikers (I mean bicyclists) in New York? They have all the rights and no responsibilities, it seems. There are no rules for them: they ride on red light, they ride in the wrong direction, they don’t slow down for you when you cross the street, and all of this is seasoned with such sneer, with such superior attitude! Because, you see, they care about the environment, so they don’t have to follow rules. They are holier than thou. They seem to be the most powerful lobby in NYC, because I can’t think of any street these days that doesn’t have a bike lane.
When I cross the street, I’m accustomed to look in the direction of the coming traffic, even if it’s my green. There are plenty of nuts out there. But I have never seen a car going the wrong way on the one way street. Bikers do that all the time, and I don’t think they see anything wrong with it. You see, they are not really transport so traffic rules do not apply to them; and they are not really pedestrians, so they don’t have to wait for their green light. I was crossing a street the other day, my green, his red. He’s riding his bike faster than 30 MPH and is not slowing down. I thought to myself – I’m not stopping or speeding for this fucker – let him brake. Two feet from me he finally swerved to the side and only after I shouted at him: It’s your red! He said OK as if there was nothing wrong with it and kept going. The other time I was unloading my car in front of my building and because I haven’t learned to hover over the ground yet, I was standing in the bike lane. Of course, here comes the biker. “Bike lane!” he shouts at me. “Fuck you!” – I didn’t find any other words. But seriously, how am I supposed to load/unload?
Once I was driving on Houston and there was one of those in front of me, obviously aware of my presence behind him, but I guess he was trying to make a point. I was trying to make a light and he was going, like 10MPH, wallowing in his own environmental superiority and thinking that he’s teaching me a lesson. I’m a very good driver, so I went ahead and surgically cut him off, literally 2 inches away. Didn’t touch him, but apparently scared the shit out of him, because he caught up with me on the next light, screamed some obscenities at me and shifted my left mirror. It gave me great satisfaction, though, because I’m sure next time he will think twice before slowing down traffic.

It’s not that I don’t care about environment, don’t get me wrong. I just hate to see this holier than though attitude among some on the Left, that really makes them no better than the Bible-thumpers, so certain in their righteousness. All I want is for them to follow the fucking rules! Because I do. And let me live my life the way I want.

Political Correctness Run Amok

I hope  you all read my earlier post about political correctness. As you may know I’m in favor of calling things what they are rather than use euphemisms and try not to offend anybody. As such, it is one of those one in a million cases when I agree with, gasp!, Bill O’Reilly.

Here’s what he had to say about the Fort Hood shooter.

Bill O’Reilly on Fort Hood shooter

Note Obama’s remarks at the beginning of the clip. He has the full grasp of the issue, that it is the guy’s faith that drove him to this insane act. He doesn’t really say it in those words, but he seems to understand what’s going on and is not trying to appease certain sensitivities.